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Class Timetable - Trimester 3 23/24

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Trimester 3 23/24 Dates

Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday from
Tuesday 16th April to Thurday 11th July.

(12.5 week Trimester)
*Please note: Children's classes run according to the Victorian School Term (Thursday 18th April - 27th June. Children's classes will not be held on ANZAC Day.)

Mid-Year Show: Sunday 14th July


Ready to jump into the Fierce, Fun and Fabulous world of Flamenco?

Term Dates


For children aged 5-15 years. A fun introduction to flamenco dance, your child will learn basic technique and enjoy moving to flamenco rhythms and music. Your child will work on building their fine motor skills & coordination with simple exercises, choreography and play.


A specific element of flamenco dance, a "complemento" or prop. The Bata de Cola is easily recognised as a long skirt with a train, and the dancer manoeuvres it, manipulating it with the lower body as well as picking it up and lowering it. A special skill with its own technique, this class will require an intermediate/advanced level of flamenco dance. It is fine to begin class without owning a skirt, but it is recommended that students look to buy or hire their own in order to fully understand how to work with it. Help is available for sourcing your bata.



First timers - this is an initiation class into the very first steps. Ground yourself with basic lower and upper body technique as we begin to explore the elements of flamenco. Start to understand and feel the rhythm and how to move to it.



Some experience dancing flamenco or another style of dance. Generally 1-2 years or a background in other dance styles. Slightly more sophisticated technique, rhythms and choreography.



Some experience dancing flamenco - generally around 1 to 4 years or a background in other dance styles. More sophisticated technique, rhythm & choreography.



A class introducing the use of flamenco props, such as castanets, mantons (large shawls) and fans. Technique and choreography.



Those more confident with technique & compas who have probably danced for multiple years. Working on more technical elements which will be utilised in their choreography.



Those who have danced for years and are hungry for something a little more tricky. A good grounding of technique allowing for more complicated 



By invitation. At Flamencollab we believe that performing is one of the best ways to improve our dancing, and are passionate about providing opportunities to our students. 
During Performance Group we will be working on building a repertoire of  choreographies to present in public, whilst working on stage skills such as expression, positioning, transitions etc.


If you have a desire to perform, let it be known!


 In this class we will work on "compas", which is the rhythmic structure of flamenco. It is important to have a good grasp of compas, not only for our own timing and musicality, but also for when we accompany our peers. We will take time to work on the fundamentals of palmas (hand-clapping) and learn basic cajon whilst discussing and playing with different rhythms.


CAJON: A box-shaped percussion instrument originally from Peru, the drum is played by slapping and tapping the front and sides.


COMPAS: Compas refers to the rhythmical structure of flamenco. Most commonly we clap the compas - this is called "palmas".


This class is open to all levels. A cajon drum is not required initially, but recommended if student continues with class. Help is available for sourcing your first or second-hand cajon.


Which Class?

Class Prices

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Trimester Payments: Upfront trimester payments (recommended) receive a 10% discount. Upon booking and confirming your dance classes, you will be e-mailed an invoice to be paid prior to the commencement of Trimester 3 (12.5 week trimester). 

Casual Payments: Card or correct cash payments are to be made on the day of class.

Ready to book your Flamenco class?

Class Fees
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